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Meet your English teacher Luis M!

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Luis M

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map markerUnited States
user languageNative speaker
thumb up11928 positive feedbacks
students73 active students
lessons16134 lessons
Lessons taught
About myself
Hello! My name is Luis M. I have extensive teaching experience. I have been teaching face-to-face students from ages 5 to 60 years old since 2010, I also have taught at middle school and university levels, and for the past few years specializing in children. I enjoy being creative and I am very passionate about my job, tailoring to my student’s needs as much as possible for them to have the best learning education experience possible. Can't wait to see you in my classes!
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Luis M

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map markerUnited States
user languageNative speaker
thumb up11928 positive feedbacks
students73 active students
lessons16134 lessons